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To My Family, Friends and Neighbors, (sometimes one in the same)

The winter has finally extended its grip, With frost and ice and snow. We head to work or school or store, With a slide and a slip, please go slow!   But what I also see with this frigid weather, Is how our neighborhood thrives. Helping each other get through this together, Sharing the struggles […]

presidents message

Important Community Contact Information

To my Friends and Neighbors, The Fishers Health Dept has posted a form for residents to “get on the list,” for lack of a better term, for the vaccination. For information and to complete the survey.  Please see the link on our website https://covid19fishers.iad1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eQWIkYsCi5Op4I5.   Also, residents can sign up for email subscriptions and/or follow […]

presidents message

Holiday Greetings and Merry Christmas,

  It is a festive heart and a hopeful spirit that I bring to all of my Lantern Farms neighbors.  This has been a year of transition, change and challenge yet always one for hope, Help and Blessings for a better new year. On the local front, we have a full board of directors committed […]

presidents message

Holiday Decorating and Verizon 5G towers updates

Good day neighbors, I just have a couple of notes for you all today.  First, we have contacted an electrical contractor to repair the west light at the 131st St. entrance.  This should be taken care of shortly.  Please tell us if you see any need for repair or maintenance of our entranceways. Second, Nicole […]

presidents message

Fishers and Verizon Seeking Community Input of Pending 5G Tower Installations

Dear Neighbors, We received the following email from Gerrod Franklin, Assistant Director of Community Engagement of Fishers.  I had replied to him asking for more clarification about the 5G towers pending in our neighborhood and throughout our larger Hamilton County community but have not heard back. I am forwarding the email to all residents in […]

presidents message

Our Families and Homes are the Best Reason for the Holiday Season

This has been a Spooky Month What with goblins, ghosts and spirits And I have some timely words for each of you If you have the courage to hear it. The streets are looking scary yet safe But wait! Is that a hulking Herman Munster? Though my eyes deceive I yet believe It is only […]

presidents message

Hello All 85 Homes in Lantern Farms,

Annual Meeting Report It has been over a week since our annual meeting and I wanted to follow up with congratulations, comments and a couple of questions. First of all, I want to congratulate and thank Carolyn Keuhl, our Communications Committee Chair for setting up and executing an excellent remote experience for neighbors who wanted […]

presidents message

Hoping to see folks at the Annual Meeting Tomorrow August 25, 7 pm, Delaware Twnshp Bldg.

Dear Families and Friends in Lantern Farms, Have we ever seen a spring and summer like that of 2020?  From the global level to our own intimate family level, challenges have been faced every day.  Have you ever had the feeling, pulling up to your driveway at the end of a long day, “Thank goodness, […]

presidents message

Annual Owners Meeting – Aug 25, 7 pm

Delaware Township Building, 131st by the new trail We ask that only 1 person per household attend to facilitate social distancing. MASKS ARE REQUIRED!! In addition to the normal agenda items, we will vote on an amendment to our governing documents to prohibit additional rental properties in Lantern Farms. The current rentals will be grandfathered […]

presidents message

Greetings From the New Board President

Good Day to All my Lantern Farms Family, Friends and Neighbors, My name is John Riggio and I am the new President of the Lantern Farms Property Owners Association. I have lived here with my wife Sherry since 2001, and we’ve seen all three of our children grow up and move out and on to […]

presidents message