
Contact Board

Association Board

Danielle Fuller - president
Tom Spille - vice president
Eitan Gordon - secretary
Nicole Buchan - treasurer
Cheri Johnsen Campana - at large
Brandon McFarlin - at large
Afton Kechter - at large


Architectural: Brandon McFarlin and Afton Kechter
Communications: Carolyn Kuehl and Steve Sharp
Governmental Liaison: Hatem Mekky
Holiday Decorations: Nicole Buchan
Landscaping: Cheri Campana
Mailbox: Peter Merente
Social: Carolyn Kuehl, Sonia Martinez, and Barb Carel
Welcoming: Danielle Fuller

To contact any of these people fill in the form below

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Are you submitting Architectural Change Request or have a question about the regulations?
If you need an application go here.

For fence information, go here and scroll to the bottom

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