Soft As A Firefly, Bright As A Lightning Bug

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This is the time of year that dusk brings comfort, that short interim between day and night that softens the shadows, highlights the sleepy call of birds and can be pierced by the floating light of a loan firefly; pretty much the only bug that can land on me and I like it.  No stinger, no sharp feet, no scratching or itching.  Just a soft touch amidst a bright light.

I love this time of year, looking forward to Summer and wondering where Spring has gone.  The tomato plants are growing, kids are out of school and new neighbors abound.  We got to meet some new neighbors within the past few weeks and Lantern Farms is now nothing but better for them to be here now.  They share soft voices and bright smiles, happy to be ensconced within the folds of Lantern Farms.

I enjoy my rides throughout the neighborhood, noting the beautiful homes and celebrating the Yard of the Week.  People take such pride in their homes.  It is for this reason I need to ask again that we all respect our neighbor's yard and property.  I continue to receive complaints from those who find dog droppings in their yard.  When speaking with one of our new neighbors, he commented on just how many dogs we have within Lantern Farms. 

This many dogs takes that much more maintenance.  Having a dog is a great choice and also a great responsibility.  Let's not turn this into a common theme that we need to come back to.  We have clean streets, new corners with handicap access, sidewalks that run on both sides of the streets, elegant, strong mailboxes that say "Here I Am, Bring It!"  We have all seen home values skyrocket and we want to protect our homes in every way.

Nuff said.  The birds have gone silent, the firefly has alighted on a tree branch, awaiting a mate to answer his bright call, Captain Moon is now on watch, hovering like a pale-faced guardian at the end of dusk, his gaze soft as a firefly's touch.

