This has been a Spooky Month
What with goblins, ghosts and spirits
And I have some timely words for each of you
If you have the courage to hear it.
The streets are looking scary yet safe
But wait! Is that a hulking Herman Munster?
Though my eyes deceive I yet believe
It is only an errant green dumpster.
We had some pumpkins upon our gates
Looking classy and adding a harvest tone
Until some thieving urchins stole the big ones
And just left the little white ones, like bones.
This can be a timely caution
To keep a sharp eye out for each other
Protecting ourselves and our neighbors
Like the ultimate Lantern Farms Mother.
The Board has met and don't forget
We want nothing but the best.
For every neighbor, man, woman and child
But the next year will be the test.
You will see the Inaugural Lantern Farms Board Walk
Where we will go from door to door,
Introducing ourselves and hearing from you
So that we can better serve you more.
We're working on the budget for 2021,
Gathering bids and stretching our dues.
We have some ideas that we hope you will like
We look forward to sharing the news.
Until then enjoy this holiday season
Starting with the decorated homes on the streets.
Have plenty of treats for the children we meet
And keep your homes well lit and inviting.
We have the best homes, mothers, children and wives
Our husbands and fathers are the best
Let's share the glow of the Lantern Farms Light
And enjoy the holidays with the rest.
John Riggio
Lantern Farms Property Owners Association Board President